Team 7(advisor Prof. Im Doo Jung) won the grand prize in the LDC for their development of “AI service for Automated detailed classification of noise/vibration CDRs for domestic washing machines”
Hayeol Kim and Junyoung Seo have published a paper “Direct Energy Deposition for Smart Micro Reactor” in Virtual and Physical Prototyping (IF 10.3, world JCR ranking top 7%). Congratulations!
Hongryung Jeon and Seobin Park have published a paper “3D Printing of Luminescent Perovskite Quantum Dot–Polymer Architectures” in Advanced Functional Materials (IF: 19.0, JCR < 5% in Physics). Congratulations!
We are currently seeking motivated individuals for Ph.D., Ph.D./M.S. combined programs, and postdoctoral positions. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact us at for more information.